Products | Amgen

The product information provided below is intended for residents of the U.S. only. For information in other countries, please select your country from the Amgen Worldwide page.

In This Section

Medical Informationicon

Intended for U.S. healthcare professionals, this application provides information on submitting inquiries, prescribing information and speaking directly to a medical information healthcare professional.

Global Patient Safetyicon

Amgen is committed to patient Safety and the Global Patient Safety Department is responsible for oversight of Pharmacovigilance activity. Patient safety is our highest priority. To fulfill our commitment to patient safety, Amgen’s Global Patient Safety Team applies a comprehensive, continuous and rigorous approach to pharmacovigilance.

Counterfeit Drug Statementicon

Amgen takes the issue of counterfeit drugs very seriously and is committed to the highest standards of drug quality and patient safety.

Safety Data Sheetsicon

Safety data sheets provide information for healthcare professionals and others seeking information on implications of the exposure to our products in the workplace.